Premium Champion Pack: EX x M x BREAK

A bonus set consisting of popular cards from the XY block to date. There are no rarities and 9 basic energy are included.
Cards 131
Released Apr 16th 2016

Card List

Collection Status
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  1. 001 Beedrill EX
  2. 002 M Beedrill EX
  3. 003 Pinsir
  4. 004 Spinarak
  5. 005 Ariados
  6. 006 Sceptile EX
  7. 007 M Sceptile EX
  8. 008 Nincada
  9. 009 Shedinja
  10. 010 Combee
  11. 011 Vespiquen
  12. 012 Chespin
  13. 013 Quilladin
  14. 014 Chesnaught
  15. 015 Chesnaught BREAK
  16. 016 Entei
  17. 017 Fennekin
  18. 018 Braixen
  19. 019 Delphox
  20. 020 Litleo
  21. 021 Pyroar
  22. 022 Pyroar
  23. 023 Articuno
  24. 024 Remoraid
  25. 025 Octillery
  26. 026 Mudkip
  27. 027 Marshtomp
  28. 028 Swampert
  29. 029 Regice
  30. 030 Seismitoad EX
  31. 031 Cubchoo
  32. 032 Beartic
  33. 033 Froakie
  34. 034 Frogadier
  35. 035 Greninja
  36. 036 Pikachu
  37. 037 Raichu
  38. 038 Magnemite
  39. 039 Magneton
  40. 040 Magnezone
  41. 041 Zapdos
  42. 042 Manectric EX
  43. 043 M Manectric EX
  44. 044 Joltik
  45. 045 Zubat
  1. 046 Golbat
  2. 047 Crobat
  3. 048 Gengar EX
  4. 049 M Gengar EX
  5. 050 Mewtwo EX
  6. 051 M Mewtwo EX
  7. 052 M Mewtwo EX
  8. 053 Unown
  9. 054 Wobbuffet
  10. 055 Wobbuffet BREAK
  11. 056 Deoxys
  12. 057 Litwick
  13. 058 Lampent
  14. 059 Chandelure
  15. 060 Phantump
  16. 061 Trevenant
  17. 062 Pumpkaboo
  18. 063 Gourgeist
  19. 064 Hoopa EX
  20. 065 Machop
  21. 066 Machoke
  22. 067 Machamp
  23. 068 Cubone
  24. 069 Marowak
  25. 070 Meditite
  26. 071 Medicham
  27. 072 Groudon EX
  28. 073 Primal Groudon EX
  29. 074 Lucario EX
  30. 075 M Lucario EX
  31. 076 Hawlucha
  32. 077 Absol
  33. 078 Yveltal
  34. 079 Yveltal EX
  35. 080 Bronzor
  36. 081 Bronzong
  37. 082 Heatran
  38. 083 Togepi
  39. 084 Togetic
  40. 085 Togekiss
  41. 086 Florges EX
  42. 087 Spritzee
  43. 088 Aromatisse
  44. 089 Xerneas
  45. 090 Xerneas EX
  1. 091 Giratina EX
  2. 092 Noivern
  3. 093 Kangaskhan EX
  4. 094 M Kangaskhan EX
  5. 095 Miltank
  6. 096 Rayquaza EX
  7. 097 M Rayquaza EX
  8. 098 Shaymin EX
  9. 099 Noibat
  10. 100 Escape Rope
  11. 101 Enhanced Hammer
  12. 102 Trainers' Mail
  13. 103 Ultra Ball
  14. 104 Battle Compressor
  15. 105 VS Seeker
  16. 106 Startling Megaphone
  17. 107 Rare Candy
  18. 108 Red Card
  19. 109 Float Stone
  20. 110 Groudon Spirit Link
  21. 111 Gengar Spirit Link
  22. 112 Sceptile Spirit Link
  23. 113 Beedrill Spirit Link
  24. 114 Mewtwo Spirit Link
  25. 115 Manectric Spirit Link
  26. 116 Rayquaza Spirit Link
  27. 117 Head Ringer
  28. 118 Brigette
  29. 119 Xerosic
  30. 120 Korrina
  31. 121 Giovanni's Scheme
  32. 122 Shauna
  33. 123 Teammates
  34. 124 Professor Sycamore
  35. 125 Lysandre
  36. 126 Team Flare Grunt
  37. 127 Forest of Giant Plants
  38. 128 Dimension Valley
  39. 129 Sky Field
  40. 130 Fighting Stadium
  41. 131 Double Colorless Energy
  42.   Fairy Energy
  43.   Water Energy
  44.   Fighting Energy
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