Keldeo Battle Strength Deck

This half-deck (30 cards) was released shortly after Dragon Blast/Dragon Blade in Japan and features the Legendary Pokemon Keldeo. The deck includes Water, Dark and Metal types.
Cards 18
Released Apr 20th 2012

Card List

Collection Status
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#1 - Psyduck
#2 - Golduck
#3 - Cryogonal
#4 - Keldeo
#5 - Vullaby
#6 - Mandibuzz
#7 - Skarmory
#8 - Klink
#9 - Energy Search
#10 - Great Ball
#11 - Switch
#12 - Rocky Helmet
#13 - Eviolite
#14 - Cheren
#15 - Bianca
#16 - Water Energy
#17 - Metal Energy
#18 - Dark Energy

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