Fusion ARTS

This set introduces new FUSION cards!
Cards 100 +29 Secret
Released Sep 24th 2021

Card List

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  1. 001 Caterpie
  2. 002 Metapod
  3. 003 Butterfree
  4. 004 Shroomish
  5. 005 Breloom
  6. 006 Maractus
  7. 007 Shelmet
  8. 008 Accelgor
  9. 009 Virizion
  10. 010 Grubbin
  11. 011 Tsareena V
  12. 012 Growlithe
  13. 013 Arcanine
  14. 014 Chandelure V
  15. 015 Chandelure VMAX
  16. 016 Heatmor
  17. 017 Oricorio
  18. 018 Staryu
  19. 019 Starmie
  20. 020 Totodile
  21. 021 Croconaw
  22. 022 Feraligatr
  23. 023 Clamperl
  24. 024 Huntail
  25. 025 Gorebyss
  26. 026 Crabominable V
  27. 027 Pyukumuku
  28. 028 Snom
  29. 029 Frosmoth
  30. 030 Helioptile
  31. 031 Heliolisk
  32. 032 Charjabug
  33. 033 Vikavolt
  34. 034 Boltund V
  35. 035 Boltund VMAX
  36. 036 Toxel
  37. 037 Toxtricity
  38. 038 Jynx
  39. 039 Mew V
  40. 040 Mew VMAX
  41. 041 Snubbull
  42. 042 Granbull
  43. 043 Galarian Corsola
  1. 044 Galarian Cursola
  2. 045 Deoxys
  3. 046 Munna
  4. 047 Musharna
  5. 048 Meloetta
  6. 049 Dreepy
  7. 050 Drakloak
  8. 051 Dragapult
  9. 052 Geodude
  10. 053 Graveler
  11. 054 Golem
  12. 055 Onix
  13. 056 Steelix
  14. 057 Drilbur
  15. 058 Falinks
  16. 059 Galarian Zigzagoon
  17. 060 Galarian Linoone
  18. 061 Galarian Obstagoon
  19. 062 Trubbish
  20. 063 Garbodor
  21. 064 Vullaby
  22. 065 Mandibuzz
  23. 066 Hoopa V
  24. 067 Excadrill
  25. 068 Durant
  26. 069 Genesect V
  27. 070 Togedemaru
  28. 071 Meltan
  29. 072 Melmetal
  30. 073 Corviknight
  31. 074 Latias
  32. 075 Latios
  33. 076 Goomy
  34. 077 Sligoo
  35. 078 Goodra
  36. 079 Dunsparce
  37. 080 Smeargle
  38. 081 Skitty
  39. 082 Delcatty
  40. 083 Bunnelby
  41. 084 Diggersby
  42. 085 Greedent V
  43. 086 Greedent VMAX
  1. 087 Rookidee
  2. 088 Corvisquire
  3. 089 Crossceiver
  4. 090 Cross Switcher
  5. 091 Battle VIP Pass
  6. 092 Power Tablets
  7. 093 Sponge Gloves
  8. 094 Carry-on Carillon
  9. 095 Sidney
  10. 096 Elesa's Radiance
  11. 097 Dancer
  12. 098 Chili, Cilan & Cress
  13. 099 Skater's Park
  14. 100 Fusion Energy
  15. 101 Tsareena V
  16. 102 Chandelure V
  17. 103 Crabominable V
  18. 104 Boltund V
  19. 105 Mew V
  20. 106 Mew V
  21. 107 Hoopa V
  22. 108 Genesect V
  23. 109 Genesect V
  24. 110 Greedent V
  25. 111 Greedent V
  26. 112 Sidney
  27. 113 Elesa's Sparkle
  28. 114 Dancer
  29. 115 Chili & Cilan & Cress
  30. 116 Chandelure VMAX
  31. 117 Boltund VMAX
  32. 118 Mew VMAX
  33. 119 Mew VMAX
  34. 120 Greedent VMAX
  35. 121 Sidney
  36. 122 Elesa's Sparkle
  37. 123 Dancer
  38. 124 Chili & Cilan & Cress
  39. 125 Flaaffy
  40. 126 Power Tablet
  41. 127 Training Court
  42. 128 Grass Energy
  43. 129 Fire Energy
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