Mewtwo Vs Genesect: Genesect

This is Genesects's half of the Mewtwo vs Genesect half decks released to coincide with the Mewtwo's Awakening movie. The cards in Genesect's deck feature a green Genesect silhouette on the bottom right.
Cards 16
Released Jul 13th 2013

Card List

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  1. 01 Tangela
  2. 02 Tangrowth
  3. 03 Cherubi
  4. 04 Carnivine
  5. 05 Sewaddle
  6. 06 Dwebble
  1. 07 Crustle
  2. 08 Genesect
  3. 09 Energy Switch
  4. 10 Great Ball
  5. 11 Switch
  6. 12 Pokemon Catcher
  1. 13 Giant Cape
  2. 14 Cheren
  3. 15 Bianca
  4. 16 Double Colorless Energy
  5. 17 Grass Energy
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