Pokemon Rumble

A special TCG game released in conjunction with the wiiware title Pokemon Rumble
Cards 16
Released Dec 2nd 2009

Card List

Collection Status
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  1. 01 Venusaur
  2. 02 Cherrim
  3. 03 Ninetales
  4. 04 Heatran
  5. 05 Starmie
  6. 06 Gyarados
  1. 07 Pikachu
  2. 08 Zapdos
  3. 09 Mewtwo
  4. 10 Mew
  5. 11 Diglett
  6. 12 Lucario
  1. 13 Skuntank
  2. 14 Bastiodon
  3. 15 Rattata
  4. 16 Bibarel
This icon will appear on cards in this set

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